Books I Love

I know you have heard of Jack London.  He wrote “The Call of the Wild,” ” White Fang,” and other stories based in the north.  I read those two books in my youth. London had the ability to draw you into the story with his words, giving a mental picture of his tale.

Recently, a friend mentioned a story London wrote that I was unaware of.  There is an audio version on YouTube, so I listened to it.  The title is “To Build a Fire.”  This story is based in Alaska/Canada.  It is about a man’s experience traveling on foot in very cold weather.  It is a story you won’t soon forget.  You can listen to it here or you can download here to read.

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Books I Love

I am a reader.  I always have a book going.  I like mysteries, some sci-fi, fantasy, and some romance.  I also read anything that catches my interest be it history, current events or some scientific article.  I am big on health, healthy eating and natural healing.  I read religious books and of course, the Bible.  I make it a practice to read the Bible through each year.  I have been doing that for a long time. (see my blog

I am a fan of Amazon.  I have a kindle and I can buy a book and be reading it in less than a minute.  I love it.

Thanks to Amazon, I have found some truly wonderful authors.  One that I would like to tell you about today is Michael J. Sullivan and his books “The Riyria Revelations.”  If you like Tolkien, you will love this series.  I can see these books made into a movie.  There is a surprise at the end.  I am anxiously awaiting another book from him of this genre. This would make a great Christmas present.

He has also written “Hollow World.”  It is more of a sci-fi genre.  It also has a surprise at the end.



It’s a Blustery Day

This part of the world is offering another blustery day.  The sun is out but the wind is cold.  It is a day for warm clothes and a walk with your significant other.  Mine is my Maltese, Belle.  She loves to go for walks.  All I have to do is pick up her leash and she is heading for the door.

It pays sometime to be an early riser.  I was greeted with another spectacular sunrise this morning.  It is so awesome to see the clouds glow with what appears to be an inner light.

I keep hearing people talk about making money with blogs.  I have been doing a lot of research lately trying to learn about it.   So far everyone is talking over my head.    I need a step by step introduction to see how it is done.

I would like to invite you to look at my other blogs.  Hopefully you will find something to interest you.

Thoughts for Sunday

I was welcomed by another breathtaking sunrise this morning.  The clouds were rimed with brilliant gold on the horizon and the clouds that were higher in the sky appeared to have an inner glow.  it was breathtaking!

The temperature is a warm 74 degrees and a gentle breeze is blowing.  Hard to believe after the freeze we had.  It is balmy out there.  So what am I doing in here?

I saw a documentary the other day about global warming.  I am on the fence about the cause of global warming but there is no doubt the planet is warming up.  I am told the cattle watering tanks in Texas once froze hard enough for ice skating.  Now those tanks might get a glaze of ice for a few hours.  Areas that once received lots of snow that stayed around for most of the winter now only get an occasional snow fall and it only lasts for a few days.  There are wineries being established here in the U.S. in areas where once it was too cold for the grapes.  The summers are hotter and drier most years. The documentary stated that England is developing a name as a wine producing country and olive groves are now flourishing there.  Once upon a time England had cold bitter winters.  The glaciers are receding. Yes, the earth is warming up.  Some scientists are saying it is due to mankind’s activity and that may be so, however, the earth has always gone through heating and cooling cycles.

Mankind is certainly making lots of progress in upsetting the earth’s ecosystem.  Trees take the carbon dioxide out of the air and replace it with oxygen.  Forests are being cleared.  Even in residential yards, trees are removed.  Construction companies clear off the trees to build houses and residents cut trees because they don’t want to clean up the leaf fall.  We keep this up and there won’t be any air to breath.  Water is another issue.  Pollutants are dumped into our waterways.  We use detergents and chemicals that destroy live rivers and streams.  Even the underground reservoirs are polluted.  Did you know that women on HRT are dumping estrogen into the water that is not removed. There is just no source left for clean healthy water.  It’s a wonder we are still alive.

I would like to see us use the wind and sun as our energy source.  The technology is there.  It just needs to be made available to the general public at an affordable price.  If fossil fuel is damaging the earth, we need to stop using it.  We need to be responsible for the home that was created for us.  Our first responsibility given to us  by our Creator was to tend the earth and care for it.  Instead of caring for our home, we have exploited it.

Thoughts for Today

Most of the leaves have fallen from my trees.  The back yard is mostly covered with about 3 inches of leaves.  They come up to Belle’s hocks.  She almost needs to jump to get through them.

It was warmer this morning.  I blew the leaves off the patio with the snow blower.  I drank my tea, listened to the birds and watched Belle patrol the yard.  It was such a pleasant way to start my day.

I have been working on one of my other blogs…  There is a lot of preparation required to post on it.

Did you forget to send a birthday card to a good friend or relative?  Do you know someone who needs cheering?  Do you have time to go to the store, pick out a card and buy the stamp to mail it, then get it to the post office or mail box? Let me tell you how you can send the cards you know you should in just seconds on line.  You choose from over 15000 cards or make your own.  You write your own meaningful words or use those on the card.  The card can be in your own handwriting.  It will be printed, stuffed in envelope, stamped and mailed, just as if you did it yourself.  If want more information, go to   I will be adding more information in future posts.

I have started a blog just for SendOutCards.  This is the URL  Go there to learn more.

Thanksgiving Spirit

I always complain that the stores have Christmas decorations up sometimes even before Halloween and for sure right after.  Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday and I resent it being relegated to a back seat.  I love the fall colors on the trees and I love to bring those colors indoors.  I love to cook the turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings for the Thanksgiving meal. I love to fill my home with friends and family to share a delicious meal and good conversation while we remember all the blessings we have to be thankful for. We need to take the time to thank Him for all the good things He has done for us.  That is the Thanksgiving spirit.

I never get in the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving.  This year I have made a bit of a jump on that.  I received an e-mail from Jacquie Lawson ( advising the new advent calender for 2014 was out.  I bought the 2012 version last year and found it was such a fun activity that I knew I would have to buy it again this year.  Starting on December 1, there is a daily activity to enjoy.  There are new items added each day to amaze you.  It will take you right up to December 25th.  It is fun for both children and adults.  If you have never seen it, I recommend you check it out.  You won’t be sorry.

The Fall of Fall

It was 27 degrees when I got up this morning.  There is a silver frost covering the lawn and the pasture behind my house.  It is lovely.

I have a maple and a pecan in my back yard.  The maple has been dressed in a beautiful golden glow with a bit of orange for trim.  The pecan puts on its green summer dress in the spring and then takes it off with the first freeze.  This morning I watched the leaves from both trees float down.  It reminds me of huge snowflakes drifting down.  I suppose by the end of the day, they will be mostly bare.



Winter ‘s Introduction

It was cold this morning.  Not that the temperature was so much colder, but the wind was biting.  Belle and I did not spend much time on the patio.

I went out to see if there were any more pecans on the ground.  I only found two.  I got quite a few this year.  The crows and squirrels tried to get most of them.  Every day for the past three weeks I have listened to the irritating caw of the crows all day.  There was no getting rid of them.  They got on my last nerve! The pecans are gone so they are gone, too.

I picked the last of my garden yesterday.  Tonight is supposed to reach 23 degrees.  Everything will be dead tomorrow.

I love winter when I can stay indoors where it is warm.  I lived in Alaska for a time and I loved the snow.  I liked being out in it.  I love to watch the snowflakes float down covering the land in a silver blanket.  We have snow in this part of the world on occasion.  It never stays long.

One Christmas a few years ago we had an ice storm.  It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Tree limbs were covered with 2 or 3 inches of ice.  When a limb became overloaded, the limb would snap off with the sound of a rifle shot.  I had the top of a pine tree break off and a small blue spruce broke off at the ground.  That storm played havoc with the electric.  Some out of town homes were without electricity for weeks.

I am told those storms come around about every 8 years or so.  We did have a freeze about 7 years after that one but it wasn’t as severe.  There could be another one just around the corner.

Thoughts for Today

A while back a friend mentioned not being able to locate the “Big Dipper.”  Since I know next to nothing about constellations and where to find them in the sky, I was not help.  I have had the two dippers pointed out to me in the past but I soon forget.  I checked it out on line and decided the next morning I would check.  Do you know the sky has been covered in clouds every morning since.  About the time the sun comes up, the clouds go away.

I did learn an interesting tidbit.  The handle of the “Big Dipper” points to the North Star.  In the days of slavery, the escaped slaves had a song they sang to guide them to freedom called “Follow the Drinking Gourd.”  The drinking gourd was the “Big Dipper” and it pointed to the  North Star which was the way to freedom.  I remember hearing that song in my youth sung by a popular group at the time.  I had no idea the significance of it.

We are due for a freeze in my part of the world tomorrow.  I just brought in the remaining bell peppers and tomatoes from my little garden.  There are still some green ones out there but I doubt they will grow or ripen.

I woke up this morning to the patter of raindrops on my roof.  It has been drizzling all day.  

It all started yesterday.  As I have said I am an early riser.  When I went out on the patio just as dawn was breaking, over on the east the horizon appeared to be ablaze. Thick clouds covered the sky and as the sun moved toward the curve of the earth, it set the underside of the clouds on fire.  The light reflected down brightening the morning.  I traced the prismatic progression across the sky to the west.  The clouds went from orange to peach to pink to violet.  I marveled at the beauty of it.  Then, what to my wandering eyes should appear but a rainbow almost directly overhead! I gazed at it in awe until the sun moved up enough for it to fade away.  It became darker out at the same time so I looked back to the east to see the sun had risen high enough to be above the clouds.  The morning was ushering in a dreary, rainy day.  It had started with a bang.

I am having a hard time adjusting to the time change.  I always do.  I had forgotten the time was going to change.  When I woke up Sunday morning, I wondered why I was waking up so early.  When I went into my living room, I saw the clock there said was an hour later than the one in the bedroom.  It took a second, then it dawned on me about the time change.  My bedroom clock automatically resets.  I will have to go change the clock in my car before it causes a problem.  In spring a few years ago, I was an hour late to work because I forgot to reset the clock in my car.

We are having a lot of rain this year.  I hope it means we will have lots of blooms come spring.
