Fall is in the Air

It has been a long hot summer here in the south of the USA.  Where I live, we did get a good bit of rain.  The grass stayed green and had to be mowed Fortunately, I have a person to mow it for me.  All the rain and high temperatures caused it to be quite humid.  I hate the humidity.  Five minutes is all it takes to be wet.  Not all places in the south got this much rain.  I have friends who live in central Texas who would have loved to share our rain.

The temperatures have cooled down.  It is comfortable on the patio in the mornings.  I go there to drink my morning coffee and then eat breakfast.  I love to listen to the birds as they wake up and sing their morning songs.  There was some fog this morning.  There was just enough to make the landscape look interesting.

Do your hummingbirds tell you when their feeder is empty?  Mine do.  I had one fly to the window to get my attention last year.  It just hovered there, looking at me.  I put food in the feeders yesterday morning, but was surprised to see them almost empty when I came home in the afternoon.  I was tired so decided to leave them until this morning.  I guess they emptied both feeders by the end of the day.   While I was eating my breakfast, one flew down in front of me and hovered, flew to the feeder, then back to me.  I am somewhat intelligent so I got the message.  I filled the feeders.  It is getting close to time for them to fly south, so they must be filling up their larders for the long flight.

I am looking forward to the trees putting on their autumn attire.  It is my favorite time of the year.  I love the colors.  They fit me.

I am an autumn person.  I have reddish blond hair, hazel green eyes, and a light olive complexion. I am a Heinz 57 person.  My fore-bearers came from France, England, Scotland, Ireland and the Cherokee Indian Nation.  There may be more that I don’t know about.  That is the thing about this nation.  They came from everywhere to build a place where people could be free and many came to experience that freedom.  We became one people.

I am afraid for my nation and I am not alone.  I talk to so many people who feel the same.  We have had such poor leaders in Washington.  The news media is so biased they cannot be believed.  They set about to destroy any who don’t agree with their philosophy and ignore worse in those that adhere to their beliefs.  I have watched good people maligned by the media and the movie makers.  I have seen reprehensible people glorified.  We have a constitution which was drafted by those who knew what it was like to live in suppression and they meant that to not happen in this new world.  They were wiser than any Supreme Court judge that we now have, wiser than those self seeking elected officials who have forgot the reason they were elected, wiser than any of the movie makers and most certainly wiser than what passes for the news media today.  If we followed the constitution in the spirit in which it was written, we would still have a powerful nation.  If the federal government would stay out of our personal lives and do what they are supposed to do, which is look to the defense of the nation, we wouldn’t have a problem with illegals coming across our southern border, we wouldn’t be in debt to another nation.  We are one nation.  We had better be under God.

If you don’t think God steps in when a nation gets too far from his principles, look at history.  Look at Israel.  When they turned from God, the Assyrians and the Babylonians destroyed the nation.  What was left of the nation of Judah was then destroyed by the Romans.  It’s not that those nations were so good, they were a tool.  Later they too were destroyed. We had a good start but there are those in this nation who are set on removing our individual freedoms.  There are those who call good evil and evil good.  They are going to cost us this great nation and there is no other place on the planet to replace what we once had.

There is one man that is speaking out for our nation.  His name is Ben Carson.  I am hoping he will run for president in 2016.  He cares for this country and what it stands for.  Buy his books and learn his philosophy.  The news media will start to crucify him once he throws his hat in the ring, but don’t believe them.  They do that to anyone they fear and they fear anyone who loves this nation.  Look what they did and are still doing to Sarah Palin. They don’t tell the truth and they do it subtly.  They don’t want to get caught.  If they do, they lose their jobs.  This country belongs to “we the people” and it is time we took it back from the media, Washington DC, and Hollywood.  I believe Ben Carson can help us do that.  I know he will have a fight with congress.  There are so many there that have become powerful and have no concern for the country.  Hopefully there will be enough new congressmen and senators that will help him.

Before you go vote, be sure you know who you are voting for and what that person stands for.  Lets get American patriots in the leadership positions in the country.  We need people who will work for the betterment of this nation, and not for their own gain.

I love my country.  There is no where else I would want to live.  Down through the years I have watched our freedoms being stripped from us by politicians.  One by one, they are taking away our constitutional rights.  Please join me and those like me to protect this nation.  You do that by voting for those who also love this nation and want to keep it as our fore-fathers intended.

Let’s take back our nation and make it a great again!