Today’s Musings

It is a beautiful day outside. It is 74 degrees with a very light breeze blowing.  I have been working in my yard most of the morning.  I came in for a bit, but I am going right back out as soon as I finish this.

I have added a new post to my  blog.  I have been slow posting to that blog because I need to research before I post.

I mentioned before that I was using Weight Watchers to rid myself of some extra pounds.  I am so pleased with this program that I want to say I highly recommend it.  The cost is minimal.  It can be done from home, no meetings to attend.  It does not feel like a diet.  I can eat any food I want.  It is all about portion control.  There are meetings if one needs that kind of structure.  I don’t like meetings so being able to do this at home is perfect.  I pay attention to my points and most of the time I have a point or two left over.  I have steadily lost weight from the first day.  I lose about 2 ounces a day or a bit over a pound a week.  Weight Watchers told me I would lose between 1/2 pound to 2 pounds a week.  Someone with more weight to lose or if one loses weight easily, could lose faster.  I have had a terrible time losing weight.  It was easy to gain and very hard to lose.  I am very happy with the rate I am losing.  It is the only program I have found that works for me.  I spent BIG bucks with Metabolic Research Center and it did not work.  I have tried Atkins, fasting, Nutrisystem, and I can’t remember all the others.  Nothing worked. Weight Watchers was my last shot.  A friend told me his son lost a lot on WW and I thought I may as well give it a try.  I am so happy I did!.

The sunshine is calling me, so I am off to enjoy it.  I hope you are having a beautiful day, also.

Happy Easter to you all!

Winter Slipped In

We had freezing weather Monday night.  It had been comfortably warm for several weeks.  I planted tomatoes, peppers and fragile herbs. When I learned it was going to freeze, I covered every thing, in hopes of protecting the plants.  Then there was a frost last night.  The tomatoes and peppers suffered some damage, but I believe they will pull through.  I lost one basil plant, the rest did fine.  There are not supposed to be any more freezes for the rest of the spring.  One just never knows what the weather may decide to do.

My current employment petered out, so I am one of those unemployed that we are hearing so much about.  I have experience in a number of fields.  I have been a travel agent,  insurance agent, and customer service agent.  I have worked as a trainer in my field.  I was a reservation manager for Alaska Airlines.  I would like to find something where I can work from home.  Most of those positions are for computer gurus, which I am not.  I am proficient in most of the applications and take care of my own IT work here at home, but I don’t have the expertise for a profession.  I would like to obtain that expertise but it is not feasible at this time.

I am a starving artist.  I do have a web site at  Go check out.  Maybe you will see something you like.

My lilacs are in bloom.  I love how they fill the air with such a sweet fragrance.  The butterflies always come to visit when the lilacs are in bloom.  I have added a photo so you can share this with me.


Another Blustery Morning

You just never know when you greet the day what you are going to find.  It was warm yesterday… 75 degrees when I got up at 5:30 am.  The stars were peeking through the clouds here and there.  A lovely morning.  We had a storm last night.  The thunder woke me several times.  It startled some barks out of Belle, my Maltese pal.  This morning it was 42 degrees with a cold wind making it feel even colder.  The clouds are all gone.  It is another blustery day.

I have my small garden planted.  I have tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce, asparagus, and kale in.  It is really a salad garden.  Someday I will increase it to include other vegetables.  I do grow herbs, too.  I have lavender, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, sage, and basil.

I wrote before about slimming down with Weight Watchers.  I am still having great results.  I am losing a bit more than a pound a week.  What is really wonderful about WW is I don’t feel like I am on a diet.  I can eat anything I want.  I just need to stay within my designated points.  That is not hard to do.

I gave up drinking cow’s milk a few years ago.  I decided it was not really good for me.  I also stopped drinking soy milk because it interferes with my thyroid function.  I settled on coconut milk.  I like it to drink and to cook with but it is high fat so I can’t drink much.  I don’t really like it in cereal, either.  It does have a healthy fat even though the media gave it bad press.  (A lot they know!)  I also cook with coconut oil because it is a healthy oil…not like Canola oil which is made from GMO rape plants.  I said all that to say I have discovered goat milk.  It tastes like cow’s milk, does not have to be homogenized and it contains those medium chain fatty acids that coconut oil has that is so good for me. Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk.  It is closer to human milk so therefore it is better for humans than cow’s milk.  I have a local supplier so I get the milk fresh from the goat.  After looking on the internet, I find that there seems to be goat farmers (ranchers?) just about everywhere.  I suspect there is one near you, in case you are interested in a healthier milk for you and your family.